Are you tired of riding alone on the same bike paths and roads but worried you don’t have the skills for a group ride? The Green Mountain Bicycle Club will offer introductory group rides on select Saturdays in May and June.

Experienced riders will explain the rules of the road and teach novice cyclists how to ride safely in a group.

Rides start at 10 a.m. at the Wheeler lot at Veterans Memorial Park in South Burlington and will travel between 12 and 20 miles. Nobody will be left behind. There will be at least two ride leaders who will teach group dynamics, including signaling and passing, as well as learning to respect (and be respected by) cars. The pace will be determined by the ability of new riders. Cyclists must wear helmets and have bikes in good working condition. Those under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

Cyclists should sign up in advance and sign a waiver at

The rides will take place on May 4 and 18 and June 8 and 22.

Contact ride leaders for more information: May 4, John Bertelsen, 802-864-0101; May 18 and June 8, Dawn Fragola, 802-238-8752; and June 22, Holly Creeks, 802-233-901.

To learn more about the club, visit

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